Bloomberg’s Istanbul Studios renewed with a Fully Redesigned Set
The newly revamped set, crafted by the talented designers and artisans at Alice ScenicStudios, integrates a range of essential features tailored specifically for economicbroadcasting. Large background screens display dynamic graphics, while the overall aestheticexudes a modern, high-tech atmosphere, designed to offer viewers a visually engaging anddynamic experience. One of the standout features is the next-generation anchor desk, which combines sleek designwith advanced production techniques. The LED walls and live 3D graphics complement thedesk, enhancing the broadcast with a vibrant and immersive visual appeal. Positioned at thecenter of the set, the anchor desk is spacious and equipped with cutting-edge technology, making it a focal point for the entire production. The creative and production teams at Alice Scenic Studios put forth an exceptional effort to bring this visionary set design to life. Our work elevates the standards of modern broadcasting, delivering a fresh, innovative, and visually striking experience for both hostsand viewers alike. Alice Scenic Studios’ dedication to craftsmanship and technology has set a new benchmarkfor broadcast environments, offering a bold aesthetic that pushes the boundaries of what’spossible in television production. Alice Scenic Company